It's Vuzhí Day Again!
And you know what that means? Rain! ... Or is that snow out my window?! Nah. Couldn't be. It's the Holy Day of Vuzhí, Goddess of Life, after all, which means that springtime is finally here.
Celebrate! Dance! Sing! Plan your wedding four months hence! Better yet, plan mine!
No more snow. Curses upon Rívorí, Goddess of Global Warming! Or, um, Goddess of Wildfire, but it's all about the same, right? Uncontrolled heat? Death, destruction, devestation? I'm sure She is Who all the Algoreites are worshipping. With Algore as Her conduit, of course.
UPDATE: Now it's definitely snowing. Big juicy flakes mixed in with tiny rain. I guess I have to credit Vítí, the Defender of Global Cooling!