Have a New Year!
Um... Have a *happy* new year!
Royal decrees; interesting things I find; photographs I've taken; random thoughts on politics and culture as I know 'em; holidays both real and imaginary; and a fantasy novel page-by-page. "I hate hippies." -- Alicia Spanhake, Honorary Baroness of Síporozorígí |
Today's the Feast of Pétíso, God of Death.
Eat, drink, and be merry, for the world will soon be reborn!
Having no water service is much worse than no electricity...
Thanks to a burst water main or somesuch, our neighborhood is currently without water.
I'm getting thirsty.
If it's not back on when we get back from dinner, maybe I'll have to take a trip to the lake to pump some water...
Posted by Sotosoroto at 17:43 2 comments
Have a look at this pre-filed bill in the Washington State Legislature for next year's session. Basically, it says that the federal government is constitutionally prohibited from owning land in the state of Washington without the state's consent, so the state is taking it back.
Oddly enough, I had this very idea a few months ago, as a way to curb the federal government's power. All states should do this.
But I doubt this bill will ever see the light of day. It will probably be "x-filed" or lost in a subcomittee for all time.
Posted by Sotosoroto at 10:35 0 comments
Index: government, unitedstates, washington
My, that water's cold, eh?
I flip over my calendar at work to December, and this is the photo I'm greeted with. I can't stop smiling!
Posted by Sotosoroto at 07:47 1 comments
California Roadtrip, Summer 2006
Light Rail Neighborhood Density
The World Does Not Agree with You
Failure Should Never Be Rewarded
Thoughts on Illegal Immigration
I'm a Native American, Dammit!
More "Global Warming" Skepticism
Giant Solar System Model along I-90
Restaurant at the End of the Universe Movie Idea