License Plate Words
I just installed my new license plates. Can you guess what three-letter word the state issued me?
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I just installed my new license plates. Can you guess what three-letter word the state issued me?
Posted by Sotosoroto at 17:35
Index: driving, language, washington
California Roadtrip, Summer 2006
Light Rail Neighborhood Density
The World Does Not Agree with You
Failure Should Never Be Rewarded
Thoughts on Illegal Immigration
I'm a Native American, Dammit!
More "Global Warming" Skepticism
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Restaurant at the End of the Universe Movie Idea
Nope, we're past the Ts...
UDO Japanese herb
UGH sound of a cough or grunt
UKE ukulele
ULU Eskimo knife
UMM intj. expressing hesitation (um)
UMP to umpire
UNS [un] (one)
UPO upon
UPS [up] (to raise)
URB urban area
URD annual bean grown in India
URN type of vase
USE to put into service
UTA large lizard
UTS [ut] (musical tone)
VAC vacuum cleaner
VAN large motor vehicle
VAR unit of reactive power
VAS anatomical duct
VAT to put into a vat
VAU Hebrew letter (vav)
VAV Hebrew letter
VAW Hebrew letter (vav)
VEE letter 'v'
VEG vegetable
VET to treat animals medically
VEX to annoy
VIA by way of
VIE to strive for superiority
VIG charge paid to a bookie on a bet (vigorish)
VIM energy
VIS force or power
VOE small bay, creek, or inlet
VOW to make a vow
VOX voice
VUG small cavity in a rock or lode
WAB web
WAD to form into a wad
WAE woe
WAG to move briskly up and down or to and fro
WAN to become wan/unnaturally pale
WAP to wrap
WAR to engage in war
WAS [be-conj] (to exist)
WAT hare/wet
WAW Hebrew letter (vav)
WAX to coat with wax
WAY method of doing something
WEB to provide with a web
WED to marry
WEE short time/very small
WEN benign skin tumor
WET soaked with a liquid/to make wet
WHA who
WHO what or which person or persons
WHY reason or cause of something
WIG to provide with a wig
WIN to be victorious/to winnow
WIS to know
WIT intelligence/to know
WIZ wizard
WOE tremendous grief
WOG dark-skinned foreigner
WOK cooking utensil
WON to dwell
WOO to seek the affection of
WOP Italian {offensive}
WOS [wo] (woe)
WOT to know
WOW to excite to enthusiastic approval
WRY contorted/to contort
WUD insane
WYE letter 'y'
WYN rune for 'W' (wynn)
XIS [xi] (Greek letter)
YAH intj. used as an exclamation of disgust
YAK to chatter
YAM plant having an edible root
YAP to bark shrilly
YAR yare
YAW to deviate from an intended course
YAY to this extent
YEA affirmative vote
YEH yeah
YEN to yearn
YEP yes
YES to give an affirmative reply to
YET up to now
YEW evergreen tree or shrub
YID Jew {offensive}
YIN feminine passive principle {Chinese}
YIP to yelp
YOB hoodlum
YOD Hebrew letter
YOK boisterous laugh
YOM day
YON yonder
YOU 2d person sing. or pl. pronoun
YOW to yowl
YUK to laugh loudly
YUM intj. expressing tasteful pleasure
YUP yep
ZAG to turn sharply
ZAP to kill or destroy
ZAX tool for cutting roof slates
ZED letter 'z'
ZEE letter 'z'
ZEK inmate in a Soviet labor camp
ZIG to turn sharply
ZIN zinfandel {OSPD3}
ZIP to move rapidly
ZIT pimple
ZOA [zoon-pl] (whole product of a fertilized egg)
ZOO place where animals are kept for public exhibition
Yup, one of those!
No way! It couldn't be! Say it ain't so! You got VOW????
I never said it was a particularly interesting word. . .
I saw a VTV.
Give up?
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