Watching the Peaks and Valleys
If the Dow Jones Industrial Average doesn't hit 5,000 anytime soon, I'm going to wait fifteen years before I invest any more money in the stock market. If it does get down to 5,000, it'll be buy buy buy!
Royal decrees; interesting things I find; photographs I've taken; random thoughts on politics and culture as I know 'em; holidays both real and imaginary; and a fantasy novel page-by-page. "I hate hippies." -- Alicia Spanhake, Honorary Baroness of Síporozorígí |
If the Dow Jones Industrial Average doesn't hit 5,000 anytime soon, I'm going to wait fifteen years before I invest any more money in the stock market. If it does get down to 5,000, it'll be buy buy buy!
California Roadtrip, Summer 2006
Light Rail Neighborhood Density
The World Does Not Agree with You
Failure Should Never Be Rewarded
Thoughts on Illegal Immigration
I'm a Native American, Dammit!
More "Global Warming" Skepticism
Giant Solar System Model along I-90
Restaurant at the End of the Universe Movie Idea
With what money? ? ?
You don't think we'd have *all* our money in the stock market, do you?
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