Saturday, October 29, 2005

Green Desert - Chapter 2.5.2 - Tamé

My air-conditioning was busted. I had the cab windows open, but that just meant it was hot and windy. I couldn’t even hear the radio. Not a cloud in the sky, but that’s not much of a surprise for South Saírédí. This place gets hotter than Pétíso’s waiting room.

I checked the address. 5430. That must be it up ahead, on the left. Nothing else in sight beyond. I turned my towtruck up the long driveway. Three vehicles waited in the sun: an old Vurıno minivan, a pickup with busted windows, and a new Huírupho sedan.

I stopped behind the van, checked my clipboard again. License plate LéPíKuRaNéTí. Not the van, not the truck. I didn’t remember the Kılímıs having this many cars.

I opened the cab door and stepped down, taking the clipboard with me. The sun instantly started baking me. “Go away, Píríuso,” I muttered and tugged my hat brim.

Another car drove past on the road behind me, but other than that, the place was silent––nothing but an all-too-soft breeze and the crunch of my shoes on the gravel.

I rounded the van. The Huírupho had the wrong plate. Another car in the garage, an older model. Bingo. LéPíKuRaNéTí. How did they expect me to get it out of here with not one, but two cars blocking it? I visually measured the gaps on either side of the new tan car. Not enough room. I shook my head and walked up the cement path to the front door.

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