Thursday, August 09, 2007

Giant Flying Reptiles Invade Russia!

Maybe that should be "reptile" instead of "reptiles," and maybe that should be "falling" rather than "flying," and maybe "giant" and "invade" are a bit of a stretch, but it does make for a nice headline, doesn't it?

A three-foot-long caiman (related to crocodiles and alligators) fell out a twelfth-story apartment window in a Russian city. It landed on the sidewalk, with a broken tooth and an apparent concussion its only injuries.

Authorities easily captured the reptile while it was stunned.

What do you think happened next? Did the authorities release it into a local river? Did they shoot the caiman? Did they lock it up in a zoo or animal shelter? Did they ship it back to South America?


They gave it back to the owner, to continue living in his apartment!

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