Wednesday, August 29, 2007


We made an offer on a house, Monday. Yesterday, we heard their answer: no.

Flat-out rejection.

No wiggle room. No counter-offer. No compromise.

We offered less than the asking price, but still well above the assessed value per the county. It wasn't completely unreasonable. But the sellers thought so.

Should we raise our offer a couple thousand and submit again? And if they reject it again, bump it up again? And if they reject it again, . . . Eventually they'll accept, right? It's been on the market two months. How long are they willing to wait?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I'll assume they think they can get their price. Maybe they can. It all depends on who is looking. You must the top price you can pay for the house. Never go over it. Never pay more than you think the house is worth.

I think prices have been inflated and are now dropping. It's a buyers' market as long as the buyers don't need, or must have, a certain piece of property. Much like a car, walk away. There is likely to be another around the corner.

Houses around our home aren't selling. Prices are sure to drop.