Tuesday, August 07, 2007

The Watch Came Back

After several months in absence, Chunlin's watch mysteriously appeared on the floor last night. We had convinced ourselves that it had fallen into the recycling box and we (I) had thrown it away. We even bought a new watch.

But now, suddenly there it is, lying on the carpet at the bottom of the stairs. Did it fall out of her purse (even though she'd searched through it dozens of times) when the purse was upside down on the stairs? Did it fall out of the vacuum cleaner (even though I certainly would have remembered a huge clunking sound that sucking up a watch would make)? Or did the cat knock it around to some hidey-hole that we didn't check, and finally bat it back into view?

The cat never bats things back into view. He knocks them around until they disappear.

So, what then? How did it suddenly reappear? All I know is that it certainly gave Chunlin the willies.

1 comment:

Pedicularis said...

Cool! You are living in a haunted house!