Thursday, September 13, 2007

Remember that honeymoon we took?

If you ever go to Butterfly World in Fort Lauderdale, make sure to not wear a grass hat into the lorikeet building.

8zf-Lorikeets Eat Hat
They seem to find them tasty.

I finally finished posting the last of the honeymoon photos.

The macaws weren't so aggressive, thankfully. But this one did give me the eye.
8zi-Blue Macaw

Butterfly World also had butterflies.
8j-Black Yellow Butterfly

But the living ones are hard to photograph. They don't keep still for very long.

Dead ones are much easier to photo.
8s-Morpho Butterflies
8v-Butterfly Colors

And then we flew back to Seattle.

9m-Banks Lake
Look! The Grand Coulee Dam!

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