Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Voters' Pamphlet

Here's some opinion for you, if you live in Washington State. Or maybe I should make it a royal decree. . .

In any case, there's not much on the statewide ballot this year.

United States Senator: MIKE MCGAVICK.
I'd like to be able to endorse the Libertarian, but Guthrie is just too weak on defense. What does he think the federal government is for, anyway? (The incumbent Democrat, Cantwell, was never an option. I mean, come on.)

Justice of the Supreme Court: STEPHEN JOHNSON.
The incumbent, Owens, is endorsed by a long list of traditional liberals. Stephen Johnson is endorsed by a long list of conservatives, but also some Democrats. So who do you think is claiming bipartisan support?

Oh, and Stephen Johnson is a friend/acquaintance of my parents.

Initiative Measure 920: YES.
Taxes are bad. Taxes on dead people are even worse.

Initiative Measure 933: YES.
Government regulations on private property have gotten out of hand. Some landowners aren't allowed to use the vast majority of their parcels due the various environmental regulations. That's just crazy. If we the people value a piece of land enough to protect it from development, we'd better be willing to put a monetary amount to that value and pay up.

Initiative Measure 937: NO.
Electric companies should encourage their customers to conserve energy, but the government should not *force* them to do so.

House Joint Resolution 4223: YES.
At first I thought this was a pointless law, but then I realized that it will help small business owners. If this is approved, they'll be able to quintuple their tax exemptions on office equipment. I just hope nobody abuses it. . .

Okay, so I guess there were several items on the statewide ballot. Oh well.



Pedicularis said...

Kirby Wilbur on KVI gave those exact same recommendations.

Pedicularis said...

The Seattle Times endorsed Mike McGavick (R) over Cantwell (D) today. I did not expect that!!