Friday, May 11, 2007

Terraformed Mars

Today, I discovered a rendition of a terraformed Mars, created by Daein Ballard:

Cool, huh? Note the Vallis Marineris, filled up with water.

The ocean level almost exactly matches what I have envisioned for my terraformed Mars in the alternate reality for my novels. Of course, in those, the terraformation is by magic, so the atmosphere wouldn't be as tall as in this picture. The planet would magically have more gravity, see?

The large area north of Vallis Marineris, and heading west to the night side, is the nation of Sarıma in my alternate reality. Forests up in the northern part, deserts in the south, port cities all around. The western part of Sarıma can be seen in this next pseudo-photo, which also shows the Tharsis Montes:

And here's one more Daien created, showing the transition from the current Mars to the terraformed Mars:

He has many more pictures, including some of a terraformed Moon (although most are imaginary worlds) at Lego Quisquilarium.

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