Tuesday, July 08, 2008

My Brief Encounter with a Red Mustang Convertible

In Spokane today, Hertz was running short on cars. Actually, when I told the lady I had a car reserved, she called somebody and asked, "Do you have any cars?" She had to repeat herself.

Without fanfare, she walked down the counter and picked up a set of keys. Usually, rental agencies give me a choice ("We don't have any sedans. Do you want the Nissan Pathfinder or the Mazda Whoziwhatsit?"), but this time she didn't say anything.

She told me where it was parked and rather reluctantly handed me the keys. I glanced at the tag.

"Ford Mustang Convertible."

And so it was.

Red, too.

Red Mustang Convertible

It's sure a nice looking car, and it has a wonderful engine. Corners well, too. But I certainly didn't want to go above the speed limit in this eye-catcher! I felt very conspicuous. I noticed people looking at it.

A few problems, though. The rear window is tiny. I'm sure the non-convertible Mustang doesn't have this problem. The front window felt very short, and the mirror blocked a good chunk of vision, until I realized I could lower the seat. After that, the front view was adequate. The side windows were wonderful, nothing blocking at all.

That car needs better bass speakers.

The backseat has almost zero legroom.
Mustang Backseat

I drove for a while with the top down, just to see what it was like.
Red Mustang Convertible Rear

Something definitely felt missing.

And it was kinda windy and noisy.

Vision was greatly improved, though.

I didn't leave the top down for long though. Just between the project site and the gas station. I didn't have sunscreen with me, after all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...