Friday, July 11, 2008

Vote for Gramm!

From what I've heard of what Phil Gramm said this week, I just want everyone to know that I agree with him.

Thanks to the Liberal mentality, we have become a nations of whiners, incapable of taking responsibility for our personal actions. We always blame someone else and expect the government to take care of us.

Thanks to the news media, we are in a mental recession -- not a real recession, but just in our heads, thanks to the news media pounding gloom and doom into our brains every hour of every day.

And so, when John McCain denounced Gramm's words, it really made me throw in the towel on the Arizona senator. I never liked his PC-pandering liberal streak, and I never will.

I won't vote for McCain.

1 comment:

Pedicularis said...

Since there is no viable third-party candidate, not voting for McCain is a vote for Obama, socialism, big-government, weak defense, higher taxes, etc., etc. You know, just like King County!

I advise that you hold your nose and vote for McCain. :(