Friday, September 30, 2005

Friday Catblogging!

Come Friday, it's all about catblogging. And since I took a picture of a cat this morning, I might as well post it. Right? Right.


It's not my cat. I don't have a cat, actually. It's a cat that a friend is catsitting. From one of her housemates.


Anonymous said...

Why, pray tell, were you hanging out with your friend's housemate's cat??

Pretty cat, though. And the picture seems to have caught the cat in a very cat-esque moment.

Sotosoroto said...

I went to her house to take a digital picture of her car that she's going to sell. The cat found us.

Chandira said...

Very cute cat Dude, we'll let you get away with the catblogging. ;-)

She's selling her cat? How sad. Stop me before I become the crazy cat-lady on the hill...

Sotosoroto said...

Car. She's selling her car.