Tuesday, November 07, 2006

D'ja vote?

I voted this morning. More people than usual, even for a November election. Maybe they don't trust mail-in voting anymore. Or maybe it's just a coincidence.


Pedicularis said...

That was my observation as well, more traffic outside, more people inside. And the poll worker asked to see photo ID! That is good, but how does that work for absentee ballots? Have you noticed that the Democrats have changed the term to "mail-in" ballots so that the voter does not have to be absent to vote my mail?

I voted as you instructed, boss-man. Let us know how we did after the King County elections department reworks the ballots and all the vote-fixing court cases have been settled.

Diane L said...

I voted by mail as we now have only two places to vote at the polls in the whole county. Besides I have more faith in our county auditors because I know them . . . much, much smaller population base helps lots. On the whole though, I prefer to vote on a paper ballot & place said ballot in the box . . . :-)