Monday, March 12, 2007

Happy National *yawn* Jet-Lag Day!

Daylight Savings Time is one of the stupidest ideas that our great nation has come up with. Seriously. I would be fine if we just kept Daylight Savings Time the whole year through, but the concept of switching back and forth is just ridiculous.

Oh wait. It wasn't a US idea. It was European idea. Curse you, Europe!

The nominal cause is to save energy, and thus money, but how much money does the country really save when we lose a morning of productivity due to sleepiness?

Why can't the politicians just leave us alone?


Alyssa said...

The government should atleast provide us all with free coffee!

mamurd said...

What's even more annoying is that they started earlier this year -- and none of my electronic devices (VCRs, computer, iPod, etc.) knew about the change!

Pedicularis said...

I heard that the one-time cost to reprogram all the computers (like MS Outlook calendars) is around $1 billion. I could run the numbers but I doubt that the energy savings comes close to that cost.

On the other hand, my new weatherstation handled the new DST just fine. :)