Wednesday, March 07, 2007

If Today Is Monday, Why Was Sunday So Long Ago?

Today feels like Monday, back to the old weekday routines. But yesterday certainly was not Sunday. No, Sunday was eons ago.

The past two days were definitely "other." Not workday, not weekend, not vacation. A whole other world, over in Spokane.

With that construction project almost completely wrapped up, not much was happening over there, so every time I stepped outside, I got distracted by the big blue sky, the warm sun, the crisp, fresh air, the silence. It was relaxing.

When I finally left that building yesterday (which I've been to and been working on for five years now, one project or another) and realized that I wouldn't be coming back, I started getting a little bit wistful. A bit melancholic. That place, even though I'd been there fewer than ten times, was familiar to me. And yesterday I had to say goodbye.

But all that still doesn't mean I want to go back anytime soon!

1 comment:

Pedicularis said...

Where would you rather live, near Post Falls, Idaho or near Salt Lake City, Utah? I think both are superior to the Seattle area for a whole long list of reasons.