Thursday, January 25, 2007

Day 1 - Seattle

I think I've used this post title before. . .

I'm all packed and ready to go - and that's just my desk stuff at work! Yup, while I'm on vacation, I'm switching desks. So all my drawings and things are boxed up with my name on them. I'll find out the location of my new desk when I get back. Hopefully still by a window, but you never can tell if you're not there to say anything!

It's about time for me to go home, gather my belongings into the two backpacks, do one last go-over, and head to the airport. Well, actually, I still have three hours before we drive away. I'm sure I can find something to do to keep myself busy.

I wore a Hawaiian shirt to work today, just to rub it in everybody's noses that I'm going on vacation today. Mwa-ha-ha! But I'm not taking this shirt with me. I don't want any photographic evidence of me wearing it. . .

I don't know how often I'll get/take the chance to post in the next two weeks. But please stop by every now and then in the off chance that I post some wonderful photographs that will make you jealous. Okay?

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