Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Polar Bears Just Fine, Thank You

Despite the UN and liberal Environmentalists around the world declaring that polar bears are threatened because of "Global Warming," the truth is that polar bear populations are growing in areas with warmer weather.

In regions such as Baffin Island, which is experiencing colder weather like neighboring Greenland, the polar bear populations are decreasing.

Therefore, if we really want to save the polar bears, we need to heat up the atmosphere world-wide!

If only there were a way for humans to affect the climate. . .

(ht: Moonbattery)

1 comment:

Pedicularis said...

Polar bears are still bears, and they can (and do) survive just fine on dry land. I view this new justification to end global warming put forth by the environmentalists (to save polar bears) as an emotional appeal that is based in bad science (typical of environmentalists). After all, who would not want to help save the beautiful polar bears?