Thursday, May 11, 2006

happy happy day

Here are some photos from my walk home today. Happy sunny day, even if it rained on me during my walk to and from lunch. That was the first rain in a couple weeks, it seemed. Or so it smelled. Is the smell of the first rain from stuff kicked up from the pavement or is it something being brought in on the stormfront?

Anyway, trees:

What kind of flowering tree is this? It's not an apple, is it?

Looking up through a maple tree. At least it looks sorta like a maple. I don't remember maples being brown in the Spring, though. . .

See? Brown leaves in Spring! Droopy, too. Several trees just like it.

Look, a parking garage!

And here's the one you're waiting for:

A house on Fifth Avenue has these rhodies facing the sidewalk. Six colors I see.


Alyssa said...

Very pretty :)

Pedicularis said...

Water on dust gives the smell of rain after a dry spell. I have smelled it when I started up a sprinkler.

Show me a photo of a leaf to help identify your apple/cherry/hawthorne.

The whiz-bang horticulturalists have come up with a lots of pretty colors for leaves. It is magic!

Sotosoroto said...

Thanks, Lyss!

The rain smelled different than the dirt-kicked-up smell, but maybe it's just because it's different dust.

The leaves on the "apple" are visible, at least in profile, especially if you go to the largest image on flickr.

Pedicularis said...

Ah, yes. As sarcastic Alex would say, can you say "H-A-W-T-H-O-R-N-E". They are blooming all over the place right now.