Sunday, May 07, 2006


If people are dying of starvation, why do you want to use corn to power your SUV? Shouldn't you want to ship it to Darfur or wherever?

On _Now_ (that liberal news magazine on PBS on Fridays), an interviewee stated that the USA can't have energy independence because we only have a small percentage of the world's oil. Even if we didn't buy any foreign oil, the US companies would still be selling the stuff at whatever price the greater world market set it at. And then the interviewee stated that nuclear power would be nice, but we can't run our cars with nuclear. But wait a minute. I thought that's what electric cars are for. Not the gas-using hybrids, but real electric cars. We're not there yet, but we're not on 100% nuclear power anytime soon either. Have the Environmentalists abandonded the dream of electric cars?

1 comment:

Pedicularis said...

No, but the environmentalists are opposed to nuclear power and especially the nuclear waste with its half-life of a gazillion years. Energy efficiency and conservation are really good ideas. Everyone benefits but the gas and oil companies. Making hydrogen from coal and sequestering the carbon is another good idea, since we have lots of coal. How about a hybrid hydrogen-electric car that we recharge its batteries at night using hydropower, and supplement during use with a small fuel cell. Atlantic Hydrogen has invented a small device that converts natural gas into hydrogen with carbon soot as a byproduct.