Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Day 5 - Kuşadası

That's pronounced 'koo-SHAH-dah-suh,' by the way. (-:

I took the bus down from İstanbul last night. I think I got some sleep. Kinda weird that they'd stop and not say where we were or when we'd leave again, but lots of people would get off the bus at 2 in the morning and have a bite to eat in what amounted to a truck stop. I'm getting hungry now...

Here's a picture from inside a mosque near the Spice Market in İstanbul. I forget the mosque's name (I left that info back at my room), but it's upstairs from a narrow street. Lots of tilework, inside and out.

Mosque near the Spice Market...

When I got to Kuşadası at 7 this morning, I got my room for the night and then caught a dolmuş (mini-bus) back up the hill to Efes, the local Roman ruins. Here's a shot of the famous Library of Celsus.

Library of Celsus

Reni, can you translate?

Carpet salesmen are always good for a cup of coffee (strong!) or tea, and a friendly conversation, as long as you're capable of saying 'no.' (-;


Pedicularis said...

Very cool photos. Keep them coming! :)

Anonymous said...

Sorry, no translation -- transliterating would be tough enough! The only word I can make out is Hephaistion, which I'm pretty sure is another way of saying the name of Hephaestus (God of the Forge, called Vulcan by the Romans).

Awesome pictures! :)

(btw, I'm *loving* the weather here -- I'm sure you're shocked! ;) )


Fragile Kitty said...

Great photo of the Library of Celsus. So that's a former tomb monument?

Anonymous said...

Hephiastion was Alexander the Great's lover. (Very well cast in the Brad Pitt version!!) I remember..
Cool pics, yes, post more!


Anonymous said...

"Hephiastion was Alexander the Great's lover."

Ah! I knew I knew that name. My bad. Thanks for the clarification.


Anonymous said...

yeah, where are you.. You better not be heading back here for 3 day old pizza leftovers.. (They didn't get eaten!)

Pedicularis said...

To answer GC and Anonymous, I am picturing a sun-drenched island, surrounded by rock cliffs and by sandy beaches on little bays. An island with one small town, where our traveler has found a restaurant with outside seating with a view of the ocean and a breeze fluffing his hair. :)