Saturday, April 02, 2005

Day 2 - İstanbul

The keyboard is ever-so-slightly different. ı where i should be, i where ; should be, ö where , should be, ç where . should be, : where ? should be, and who knows where the quotatıon marks are. How much of this can you read, anyway? Unicode, eh?

Anyway. Here I am. İstanbul is a big city like all big cities. Airport, subway, etc. all the same. But a whole lot of mosques. I'm tıred. But I'll stay up until ten....


Pedicularis said...

Glad to hear that you have arrived in Istanbul. Hope you get a nice Turkish dinner and a good night's sleep. And I hope you find some USB ports, since I am looking forward to seeing your photos.

Fragile Kitty said...

Have a great trip :)