Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Alcohol + Cake = Bad

To celebrate our successful move, we had champagne and cake Monday afternoon. That evening and all of Tuesday, I had intestinal pains that reminded me of the day after the Halloween party. I went home sick around midday. Different symptoms, but still painful symptoms. At the Halloween party, I only had cupcakes and drinks. Either there's some ingredient in cake that I have an intolerance for, or it's the alcohol, or it's just a coincidence. I'm back at work now, but still on soup and crackers, though.


Alyssa said...

sounds like maybe some sort of food allergy.
Sometimes intestinal pain can correspond with intestinal swelling which indicates an allergic reaction.

The Misanthrope said...

I like my alcohol straight. I don't want it in candy, cakes or punch.

Pedicularis said...

Houston, you have a problem. But perhaps you have on the head the nail hit. "Don't eat cake with alcohol!"

For what it is worth, in 1992, I worked for a small company near the original Red Hook Brewery in Seattle, and it was standard fare to celebrate birthdays with chocolate cake and beer. No one got sick, but I can't say that I liked the combination!