Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Green Desert - Chapter 4.1.4 - Fírí

I drank until I was ready to puke again, foregoing the cloth and crawling to the creek to suck it dry. Eventually, I groaned and straightened, sat on my heels. “What about Zhíno?”

Pí‘oro looked at my boyfriend lying peacefully in the shade, on a patch of wildflowers. He was an innocent baby––not at all like I associated with his naked body.

“He’s all right, I think. He didn’t sweat much. Still in a coma, though.”

“But he’ll wake up, right? Like I woke up this morning?” Oh, gods. Was it really just that morning?

Pí‘oro released a long, rattling sigh. “You weren’t like this last night, miss. You were awake. You walked to your bed.”

Oh. Really? But why didn’t I remember it? It must be like those people who have a horrific experience and then black out the whole thing and everything around it from their memories. It was the only explanation. I tried not to think about it, but the picture popped into my head of a fat, naked Pí‘oro dangling over me on his hands and knees. I shuddered.

“Are you cold?” Pí‘oro lurched towards me, knelt down with his arms out. I leaned away, scrambled backwards. He frowned softly. “What’s wrong.”

“Just––” I waved my hand between us, pointing. “Just stay over there.” I felt very naked, all of a sudden. I hugged my bare legs to my chest. Tshirt wasn’t enough. “Where are my sweatpants?”

The old man shrugged, smiled. “I left them behind with Zhíno’s clothes. Them or you, it was.”

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