Friday, November 04, 2005

Environmentalists kill trees

Yesterday my entire mail delivery consisted of nine political postcards. Nine. In one day. Including the primary, I've probably received fifty of these postcards this year. And these aren't tiny 3x5 cards. Most of them are 8x11 sized, glossy color.

Since I live in Seattle, almost every single one of these is sent out by a liberal Democrat, who undoubtedly is a devout Environmentalist. I'd just like them to all know that I didn't recycle their junk mail. It went straight into the garbage. Ha!

On a related note, why does every Ron Sims postcard read like a David Irons postcard until I get to the punchline? They list all of Irons's ideas and proposals and they all sound like good ideas to me! But then they say to vote for Sims. I don't get it. . .

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