Wednesday, November 09, 2005


Well, it looks like Washingtonians are agreeing with me on I-900, I-912, I-336, and SJR-8207. But not on I-330 or I-901.

62.5% voted for I-901, the "clean indoor air act." The "we'll tell you what you can do on your own property act." But apparently only 22% of non-smokers saw the issue that way. I haven't been in the minority in a landslide worse than that since . . . since I voted Libertarian last year.

I see the imminent creation of "smoke-easys" all over the state. "Private" clubs where the general public is not allowed (thus they get around I-901), but in fact it would be easy to get in -- as long as you wanted to smoke or didn't mind being around smokers. 20% of Washingtonians smoke. If I had a restaurant, I'd seriously consider playing to that market.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hate smoking, so I really wanted to vote for I-901.

Stupid conscience wouldn't let me. :(

It seemed to pass just fine without either of our votes, though.