Monday, November 21, 2005

Green Desert - Chapter 3.3.4 - Bhanar

“The Kılímıs are sacrificing animals in there. A rabbit last night. I stopped them from killing a dog today.”

We turned the corner and the policewoman dropped down to a crouch, waving her gun at Vata. “Put your hands where I can see them, Mrs. Kılímı.”

The old woman just stared at us.

“Your hands, please.”

“Yes, dear.” Vata smiled benevolently and held out her hands. “They just went out the back window. They’ve kidnapped my husband.”

What? I could barely believe my ears. “She is lying! Mr. Kılímı and Fírí were together. He wanted to rescue Zhíno, too.”

The policewoman flashed her large brown eyes at me, then back to Vata. “Show me the sanctuary.”

Vata whined, “We don’t have time for this. They’re getting away.” She was almost crying.

The policewoman stood up, gun still drawn. I could see over her head clearly that Vata wasn’t moving, just wringing her hands.

“Show me.”

Quietly, I said, “It is the first door on the right, I think.”

“Thanks.” The deputy walked forwards, eyes and gun firmly on Vata. The young woman reached the open door, glanced though. She did a doubletake, staring into the room. “What the hell?”

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