Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Green Desert - Chapter 7.3.6 - Fírí

The old detective scowled at Sévé and Raíngozé. “Very well.” He turned to me. “Let’s see this chapel.”

I had to tell the flannel guys where the boxes were, but I couldn’t with the cop there. Hopefully they’d be willing to wait a minute.

“Down the hall here.” I turned on my good foot and limped down the blue hallway.

“Explain what happened. Was it last night?”

“I. . .” I turned the corner, looking back at the cop and pausing. “I don’t remember much of it, but. . .”

The flannel boys stood behind the detective. The old man glanced over his shoulder. “If you don’t mind, boys, go wait in the living room.”

They sneered at his back, but went, drinking their beers.

The detective smiled kindly. “If it would help, you can call me Sétıpímo.”

“Thank you.” But not for getting rid of Sévo and Raíngozé. I continued down the hall. “I had some bad scrapes on my elbows and ribs from a tumble I took. Vata said she could heal me.” I least that’s how I think I remembered it. I stopped by the closed chapel door. “They took me in here and that’s where my memory gets a bit fuzzy.” A bit more fuzzy. I gestured to the door.

Sétıpímo put his hand on the knob. “But you’re sure they raped you?”

That part I remember.”

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