Thursday, April 20, 2006

Green Desert - Chapter 8.2.6 - Fírí

Sévo stood in the entry to the living room, holding Vata’s arm, their backs to me. I tried to squeeze between him and the wall, but there wasn’t room. He shot me a dark look and turned his eyes to the kitchen.

“Sir, what should I do with Mrs. Kılímí?”

From the green kitchen emerged the old detective, a macabre scarf red-and-white tight around his neck. “Put her in my car,” he whispered.

Light-haired Raíngozé appeared behind him. “But what about the ambulance?” He gestured to the phone.

“I’m okay to drive.” Sétıpímo’s voice was raspy and powerless, despite the authority the cop tried to impart.

“Just get her in jail,” I commanded. “I’ll wait for the ambulance. The cop’s not the only injured one here, after all.”

Sévo ignored me. “But sir, your neck.”

Sétıpímo pointed sharply to the front door.

“Okay, okay.” The flannel-wearing man stepped back, almost stomping my injured toe. “Come on, Mrs. Kılímí.”

The old woman let herself be led to the front door, her head hanging low. Sévo opened the door and Vata shuffled outside. Sétıpímo and Raíngozé tromped past me. The old bitch was captured for good.

The boxes. I couldn’t just wait here for the ambulance. Bhanar’s truck had a broken windshield, but it still drove. Where were his keys? I limped over to his open bag on the coffee table.

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