Friday, April 28, 2006


If I'm walking south to work in the morning and north to home in the afternoon, with the sun always on my left, do you think only half of my face will get tan? I'm not getting enough radiation at one time to get a burn, but I think it's enough to give me a bit of a tan. And if I do it all summer, two fifteen-minute doses of sun on the left side of my face and my left arm and nothing on my right, don't you think I'll be a bit off-balance, skin-color-wise, by September? Maybe I'll look like a Star Trek character. . .


Sotosoroto said...

The last two suggestions are right up my alley...

Pedicularis said...

Don't worry, there are lots of other people out there, like truck drivers, who have left-half tans. After a few all-day hikes, it'll average out anyway.

Sotosoroto said...

Hm... I should probably reverse the image to get the sides correct...