Friday, April 21, 2006

Green Desert - Chapter 8.3.1 - Séara

Rocks tried to trip me. Branches attempted to slap me to the ground. But I avoided them all, jumping and ducking as I ran. Tépíto kept pace behind me.

Hold the flashlight steady. Watch your footing. Watch your head. Keep running. And eventually, you’ll find the fugitive.

I thought the trail was easy to follow, but suddenly it petered out. I hacked through the brush, pushing forwards. Branches grabbed my feet, held me nearly to a standstill.

“Is this the right way?” Tépíto fended off every branch I escaped.

“It must be.” I kept struggling forwards, my light not reaching the ground or that light not reaching back up to my eyes. I stumbled over a rock, the bushes catching my weight. This couldn’t be the right way. I got my feet under me. But there weren’t any other options. Just straight forward. I kept hacking and pushing.

Unless we missed a turn in the dark.

I pressed forward, whacking the finger-thick branches with my hefty flashlight.

“Do you want me to . . . ?” Tépíto offered semi-gallantly.

I fell forward, no resistance, and hit the dirt hard. I kicked my feet free from the thicket and shone the light around. No trail. No footprints. But easier going than what we just did.

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