Wednesday, April 19, 2006

On this day. . .

On this day, two hundred and some odd years ago, Paul Revere spotted the British troops and rode -- rode like the wind, verily! -- to alert the courageous colonists. In Lexington and Concord and that whole general area, April 19 had a lot of guns going off, and they were pointed at people. Luckily they weren't the best of guns, so only a small percentage actually hit anybody, but it was still very dangerous.

The colonists didn't like standing up in rows to be targets for the British troops, so the sneaky devils hid in the bushes and shot at their soldiers as they marched bravely down the road in retreat. It was just a few short weeks later that Paul Revere released his first album, _Like Long Hair_, and the eponymous single which launched his career.

Never forget this honorable man. Paul Revere still rides today! And he does shows at the Emerald Queen Casino!

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