Thursday, February 02, 2006

Green Desert - Chapter 5.2.4 - Irézí

“We’re live,” I told the blond patrolman. “Do you have any new information about the whereabouts of the suspect, Zhíno Zhudıro?”

He glared into my smile. “Yes. I need to leave. I can get past the sheriff’s car, but I won’t be able to squeeze between that boulder and your van. So move it.”

I flashed smile number three––inquisitive. “So Mr. Zhudıro is not on the premises? Where is he, instead?”

“Just move your van.” His jaw was tight. He fingered his handcuffs. My smiles weren’t working.

I turned to the camera with smile seven. “Back to you, Taíséma.”

I held the pensive grin until Míro, the technician, said, “We’re off.”

Smile gone, I said, “Move the van, guys.”

Míro replied, “But there’s another car behind us.”

The blond patrolman sneered. “Just parallel park it to the side.”

I turned on him. “Why did you have to interrupt us and not have any information for us? We’re an entertainment program, for gods’ sakes.” I sighed. “No info isn’t entertaining.”

He looked down his nose as Míro got in the driver’s seat. “Sorry, miss. Just doing my job.”

“Yeah, whatever.” I turned away from him, pulled off my earpiece. He was just doing his job and he just fucked up mine.

Míro started the engine. I turned to the cop. “Get in your car. He’s moving the van already.”

The tall man scowled at me, but turned and went. Only thinking about himself. Just like me.

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