Monday, February 06, 2006

Green Desert - Chapter 5.3.1 - Irézí

Míro zigzagged our van sideways, the tall antenna swaying so much I thought it would tip the van over. But it didn’t. He moved it over about a meter and a half, then Nıléké yelled, “Stop!” and waved his hands.

I eyed the distance between the van and the rock. “That’ll be good enough, Míro.”

The patrolman had started his engine and was turning and backing to get past the sheriff’s car. I slowly walked to stand by the van. This sort of crap always happened to me. During the five o’clock news, of course. They send me out on wild-goose chases where’s there’s nothing to actually report, or out to fluff pieces on the county fair or kids’ sports. I’d never make it big covering that stuff. I mean, really. What kind of exciting story only gets two passersby to stop? And two weird businessmen, at that. Kanıtío, please let them be from NaSaMıNo News. I sighed.

The state patrol car had stopped. The patrolman stood outside his closed door, leaning over to look inside. But no, that was a different patrolman. Something was happening.

I sidled across the driveway toward them, the loose gravel proving once again my choice of flats over heels to be a good one.

“. . . in the helicopter.” The standing patrolman looked at me, squinting slightly.

I showed smile twelve.

To the other cop, the tall patrolman said, “Call them.”

I blinked my long lashes. “Helicopter?”

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