Friday, February 10, 2006

Green Desert - Chapter 5.3.5 - Bhanar

“Yes, I am sure. Zhíno killed the cop.”

Séara glanced up the hill again, her jaw tightening with determination. “Very well. I shall arrest him.” One hand placed on my shoulder for support, the policewoman stood. Her tears had dried but the tan skin around her eyes still held redness. “Come with me.” She took a step toward the trail, but stopped. “Don’t get near him.”

“Yes, ma’am.” I hopped to my feet, stepping on a pointy rock.

As I checked my bare foot for any injury, the short brunette stalked away. Not finding a wound, I hurried to catch her. She had a wonderful figure. Her police-uniform slacks did her hips no justice, however.

We neared the top of the gully and Séara’s step faltered. The body. The fat bastard who tried to kill me. I spied his pale corpse and felt no remorse. Séara, on the other hand, obviously felt some.
I whispered, “Ignore him. Arrest Zhíno.”

The naked murderer sat on a rock near the body, eyeing us with an open face. “Yes?”

Séara unclipped the handcuffs from her belt. “Please stand up, Zhíno Zhudıro.”

I halted ten feet away as the policewoman took several more steps.
Zhíno’s eyes flitted to the cuffs. He smiled. “I’m under arrest, then?”

“For the murder of Patrolman Vakıgéda.”

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