Monday, February 13, 2006


Last St Patrick's Day, our office got a few shamrocks as a present from a product rep. I just about managed to kill it off a month ago, getting down to two healthy stalks. But then I put it in the big, west-facing window near my desk and it has sprung back to life. I guess being five feet away from the window wasn't good enough for it. So here's what it looked like last week, when it was sunny:


When I arrived at work this morning, I noticed that one of the stalks had finally managed to get its leaves through the blinds (one of the mid-height two that are touching the blinds in the photo). So I turned it around 180 degrees. Success will be punished. Achievement will be vilified.

1 comment:

Alyssa said...

it looks like its saying "PLEASE! GET ME OUTTA HERE!"

jk ;)