Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Green Desert - Chapter 1.4.1 - Zhíno

The dispatcher was asking too many damn questions, so I flicked off the walkie-talkie radio, hoping he’d think it was a malfunction. I was hurtling down the highway after Fírí, a cop lying on the pavement far behind me. My fingers paused over the siren and lights buttons. I grinned. What the hell. The click of the buttons was almost drowned out by the instant blare of the siren.

I dropped my right arm to my lap and fingered the cop’s semiautomatic handgun. Older than mine, but bigger. My shoulder still ached from the bullet wound. The aspirin hadn’t kicked in yet. If I saw that pickup driver, he was dead too. Both him and the bitch.

A house’s light. The pickup. I hit the brakes. My car! Where were they? Up the driveway Fírí stood half-naked, arms out like the end of a striptease. Pétíso! I didn’t know what she was thinking, but I knew she was about to die.

I cranked the wheel and gunned the big engine. Gravel rattled off the car’s underside. Fírí spun to face me, her skin blinding in the headlights, and she broke into a run off into the scrub brush.

I slammed the brakes, skidding to a stop, pushing the window button with my right hand as I held my gun to the top of the glass, waiting for it to get far enough down. I could just barely see Fírí running in the darkness, her back gleaming in the night. The gun fit through and my hand followed. I aimed at the bitch. My arm exploded in agony.

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