Thursday, October 20, 2005

Green Desert - Chapter 2.3.2 - Zhíno

Fírí stood all cute-like with her right hand in her sweatpants pocket, her left on her hip clutching her favorite purple sweatshirt. She wore one of her tight white tshirts that showed a bit of skin––a lot less than whatever the hell she was doing last night. She smiled almost a laugh. How was I supposed to keep up a good anger when she went and did that? I tried to focus on my throbbing arm to keep my blood boiling.

Behind me, the old fool coughed and said, “Why don’t you call your friends and tell them you’re running late?”

Friends? What kind of idiot was this douchebag? I stuck the cop’s gun in his face again. “Shut up and stay out of this, dumbfuck.”

Then Fírí chimed in, “He has a point, baby. They’ll call off the hounds if we––“

“Shut up, bitch.” She could be a real moron sometimes. Did she think Gogzhuè and his henchmen were just sitting around by the phone like some sad-ass stood-up date?

“Can I see your arm, dear?” The old woman held out her hands and shuffled towards me, her face blank like a zombie.

“Get back!” I pointed my left-hand gun at her face, almost losing the weapon in the process. My wrist grated and shrieked. My fingers were sticks of putty.

The hag pursed her lips and snapped, “Before you drip blood all over my carpet, let me look at your arm.” She suddenly smiled, all pleasant and evil. “Dear.”

I chuckled. Here was a real woman, who could control her emotions. Not like Fírí at all.

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