Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Today the Estonian fishing industry, tomorrow the world!

Agu Laanemets, the owner of Hiiu Fishery, wants to consolidate all of Estonia's small fisheries into one giant conglomerate. "Let's not yet call it a plan at this stage. But yes, I do have such ambition." I wonder who he'd choose to run such a corporation? Ambition, indeed.

What would the effects of this merger be? Probably a loss of jobs. Maybe increased productivity in the short term. But definitely a stagnation of the industry in the long term. Without competition, what will motivate them to innovate new technologies? Oh I know, they'll still have competition from the big boys. And the little guys are constantly going bankrupt from not making ends meet. But still. . .

Have we progressed beyond the ma-and-pop fishery? The ma-and-pop farm? Must everything be big and industrialized? We might as well have the government running everything. . .

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