Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Green Desert - Chapter 7.1.6 - Bhanar

I slipped on Umo’s black-leather shoes and laced them up. A bit big, but maybe that was because I didn’t have socks. “Thank you.” I stood up. “Let’s go.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.” He turned and started down the path. Twilight was pushing full night. I could barely see rocks on the ground. I had no clue how Umo could see Zhíno’s footprints.

I waved Lango to go ahead of me. He hesitated, muttered something, and went. I followed at a safe distance.

If it was Lango who shot down the police helicopter, that meant that at least Zhíno didn’t have a gun. Small favors and all that.

A slight breeze blew up the gully, through the trees and shrubs, cold on my bare legs. “Maybe we can leave Zhíno out here. He is naked. He will freeze to death.”

Lango snorted. “I’m going to fucking kill him.”

“Don’t you dare,” Umo snapped.

I tripped on a tree root and stumbled. Neither agent looked back.

They were so eager to get Zhíno, but not to kill him. Their goal was to capture him. Good. Whatever prompted Lango to shoot at the sheriff’s helicopter, Umo was still following procedure. He wouldn’t kill Zhíno. He’d let a judge decide the bastard’s fate.

Unless they were talking about me just then. . .

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