Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Perfect Plant for Bachelors

Scientists in Singapore have created a plant that glows when it's thirsty. They took a gene from a jellyfish and spliced it in. Apparently it's not visible to the naked eye, at least not very well, but what bachelor wouldn't want an optical sensor lying about his place? Another gadget!

The scientists are talking about using this technology for farmers, but that can't be where the real money is. Certainly not. Them farmers know how to take care of plants.


Pedicularis said...

Even a bachelor can handle plants. Just water them every Sunday, and throw out the ones that die. You don't need a glow-in-the-dark plant!

Sotosoroto said...

*Every* Sunday??

Pedicularis said...


But only the ones that you want to keep alive. :)